Crypto coin

The cryptocurrency game is getting more and more competitive by the day. To succeed in this volatile market, one needs to think out of the box and devise ingenious ways to gain an edge over the competition. This is where ‘crypto mining’ comes into play. It involves solving complex mathematical puzzles with the help of computing power to unlock new coins. 

Anyone can mine crypto, but it’s more complex than clicking a button and letting a program run till completion. It requires much knowledge about computer hardware and software to start. So, you might consider easier ways of earning through crypto, such as trading Bitcoin in leading platforms.

While mining isn’t easy, home miners can now get into the game easily—even if they live in an apartment! All you need is some spare time and the necessary hardware. 

Here are the steps you can get started with DIY crypto mining at home today: 

1. Pick A Profitable Coin To Mine

While there are many cryptocurrencies that you can mine, it’s essential to pick one that’s profitable. Bitcoin is still the top dog in the crypto world, but there are better ones. Bitcoin mining has become too competitive for home miners, and the profits aren’t worth the effort. 

Ethereum and Monero are other popular coins that are much better for beginners. Ravencoin, Bitcoin Gold, and Feathercoin are lesser-known coins that are just as profitable as Ethereum but with lower competition. Mining any of these would get you started with mining in no time. 

It’s important to note that many more profitable coins are out there. You have to find them!

2. Understand Cryptocurrency Mining Terms

  • Proof of Work (PoW) – This is the algorithm used to verify transactions across a blockchain. It ensures that members don’t game the system, requires a lot of computer processing power, and the miners are rewarded with tokens when they solve mathematical puzzles.
  • Hash Rate – The hash rate is the amount of computational power used by a PoW network in processing transactions and how fast the miners do the computations. The faster your device can solve mathematical puzzles, the more coins you can earn. 
  • GPU – A graphics processing unit (GPU) is an efficient computer hardware for mining cryptocurrencies. This hardware is designed to quickly solve complicated mathematical puzzles with a better hash rate, making it the perfect mining tool. 
  • CPU – A CPU is also computer hardware for mining cryptocurrencies that uses a central processing unit. While CPUs are not as powerful as GPUs, they are much cheaper but still less profitable because of significant cryptocurrencies’ high hash rate.
  • ASIC – An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is a computer hardware (integrated circuit chip) used to mine specific currencies. This type of mining is done via mining pools. 
  • Mining Rig – A mining rig is a computer built solely for mining currencies.  

3. Get Mining Equipment

CPU mining: To start mining with a CPU, you would need a computer, a motherboard, RAM, and a storage device for the blockchain. Many people are already using their computers for other tasks, so using the same equipment for crypto mining makes sense. Just make sure that you don’t overwork your computer. 

GPU mining: To start with GPU mining, you need a computer, an efficient graphics card, a motherboard, RAM, a mining rig, and a storage device for the blockchain. Fortunately, you can use old computers and graphics cards for this. 

 ASIC mining: ASIC miners are special computers created for mining certain cryptocurrencies. That means you can use ASIC bitcoin miners to mine only bitcoins.

But they are usually more efficient with a longer lifespan than GPU or CPU mining equipment. To start ASIC mining, you need an ASIC miner, a computer, a motherboard, RAM, a storage device for the blockchain, and a power source. 

 Cloud mining: Cloud mining is a service that allows you to mine bitcoins or different types of cryptocurrencies without having to go through the hassle of buying and maintaining your equipment. Instead of owing the expensive mining equipment, rent from industrial mining services and mine without heavy investment. That means you can also quit anytime and minimize losses. 

4. Setup A Crypto Wallet

Next, you need to download a crypto wallet to store your newly mined coins or keys for tokens. There are many types of wallets available for different cryptocurrencies; choose one that best suits you.

5. Get Mining Software and Configure

Now that you have all the hardware, it’s time to get the software needed for mining. So, choose your ideal mining software from the popular; BFG Miner, CGMiner, MULTIMiner, EasyMiner, AwesomeMiner, and more. Next, configure your mining software to start mining.

6. Choose Mining Method

Solo mine: Solo mining is an option if you can invest in excellent mining hardware. Once you have your mining equipment ready, start mining. However, this can be tricky if you’re new to mining. It’s better that you join a mining pool. 

Pool mining:  Crypto mining pools are groups of miners who work together and share the profits. This allows them to earn more than they would mining by themselves. When mining via a mining pool, you have to configure your mining software to connect to your mining pool.  


Crypto mining can be a great way to earn passive income. Whether you go solo or join a mining pool, you’ll be able to earn a steady income from crypto mining. The only challenge is finding cheap electricity and having the necessary hardware, but you can get the software and hardware needed bit by bit. With the help of this comprehensive guide, you’ll get started with crypto mining in no time.

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