Road trip food items on table

Are you on a road trip or cruising on your holidays and wondering what to eat on the road? Eateries and hotels may be few and far between on the highway, so it pays to carry some food. You can snack while waiting to reach your destination before having dinner or camp and prepare your food. Either way, you need something for your stomach. 

The foodstuffs you would choose for your trip will affect your health and mood. Also, that can determine your budget and how much space you will take in the car. Avoid raw foods that take time to prepare (even if you carry your portable cooking stove). Another category to avoid is non-nutritious snacks like chips, cookies, and candies. 

Consider these five foods for your next road trip. 

1. Soy foods on Road trips

Protein is a macronutrient crucial for energy and muscle building. Soy protein offers the same benefits as meat, with fewer calories and lower cholesterol. Soy protein has nine essential amino acids, making it an ideal alternative to animal-based foods. Also, it is portable and less perishable. 

Soy nutrition comes in various forms, like energy bars, vegan jerky, and plant-based burgers. Bring some along on your road trip to keep you energized and satisfied for the entire trip. Soy milk and protein powder are also viable options. You can pick your ideal type of soy nutrition before you set off on your tour. 

You can use soy food to prepare meals, like sandwiches, wraps, and salads. For your camping trip, you can use it as an alternative to meat in soups and stews. Snacking soy protein during the journey will help regulate your appetite until you reach your destination

2. Nuts and Seeds 

Nuts and Seeds on table

Nuts, seeds, and trail mixes are the perfect snacks for long trips on the road. Dry and precooked seeds are portable, nutritious, resistant to fermentation, and can last for days. Nuts give you essential fats and proteins, while seeds provide fiber and minerals. Also, they are energy-dense and filling, so you would not need to eat lots of them. 

Your options include almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pumpkin seeds. You can eat them as-is or blend and mix them with other snacks and trail mixes. Dried fruits like prunes, raisins, apples, cranberries, and apricots are also travel-friendly snacks. 

You can even use nuts and seeds as ingredients in your meals. For instance, they make excellent toppings for salads and sandwiches. You can also bake nut-based treats like energy bars, brownies, and cookies. 

3. Canned and Smoked Fish 

dried fish

Smoked foods like salmon, mackerel, and herring are safe to carry during trips. Most canned fish can last several years, so you can store them for months before you set off on your journey. Seafood contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals like omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron. 

Smoked fish can last for weeks if you store them in optimal temperatures away from contaminants. Remember to keep the canned or smoked fish out of direct sunlight. Eat your seafood with healthy carbs and fats like whole-grain bread rolls, boiled potatoes, and salads. 

4. Dried Fruits and Veggies 

Greens and fruits are a vital component of your diet. Unfortunately, they take up too much space in the fridge and risk going bad quickly. The solution is to have them dried. They will last months, so you would not need to worry about them going stale. Pack some for your road trip and enjoy them with other snacks. 

Dried fruits are an ideal source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals like iron, potassium, and magnesium. Dried veggies are also rich in minerals, vitamins A through E, proteins, and antioxidants. Your options include sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, and wild mushrooms. You can mix them with your salads or use them to prepare various meals. 

5. Banana Chips 

banana chips

You may wonder why chips are here when you know them as high-calorie and low-nutrient food. Well, bananas are an exception. They have a high potassium content, so you would not need to worry about low electrolytes on your road trip. Also, their sugar content is relatively low. Banana chips are a good energy source ideal for snacking on long journeys. 

Preparing banana chips is relatively simple and fast. It will be an outstanding experience if you can acquire raw and fresh bananas and prepare the chips at home. Get some oil, salt, spices, and a deep fryer. Peel, cut, and fry the chips until they are crispy. You can also bake them if you do not have access to a deep-fryer. Ready-made banana chips are also available in most supermarkets. 

Summing Up 

Road trips can take a toll on your energy levels. You deserve something to bite on or a full meal to energize throughout the tour. Planning the best snacks on your trip will make your travel experience memorable. Include nuts, seeds, smoked fish, dried fruits, banana chips, and dry veggies. They are portable, nutritious, and durable. 

Road trips can take a toll on your energy levels. You deserve something to bite on or a full meal to energize throughout the tour. Planning the best snacks on your trip will make your travel experience memorable. Include nuts, seeds, smoked fish, dried fruits, banana chips, and dry veggies. They are portable, nutritious, and durable. 

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