woman enjoying her Sabbatical Leave 

Overworking yourself can be detrimental to your personal as well as professional health. In the end, after continually working for an extended period, you will find yourself working without taking any time off/Sabbatical Leave . Although you have project deadlines, you must know you cannot work as a machine. After all, you are a human being, and you have certain limitations. Overworking will only lead you to hell.  

With the advancement of technology and workstation becoming more comfortable, many of us are glued to work until it’s late in the evening. While you are working hard and struggling to accomplish your target for the day, it can have an adverse effect on your life and health in the long term.  

Unlike machines, we all need time for ourselves and our families. We need a break from work and our daily routine to rejuvenate our bodies and minds. This helps us to be on track and enjoy life to the fullest.  

Therefore, instead of waiting until you get burned out, watch out for the below-mentioned signs that indicate you should take a sabbatical.  

What is a Sabbatical Leave? 

A sabbatical is an off from your work with an agreement between you and your employer. The duration of the sabbatical depends on your employer’s policy. While on sabbatical leave, you won’t get the usual job perks, but the good thing is that you can return to your job.  

Five Signs You Need a Sabbatical 

1. Disinterest in Your Work and Daily Life  

From being fully motivated and passionate about your work, have you been feeling the opposite to it? If your work now feels like a mere paycheck to survive, then it’s time to consider a break from your work.  

A daily monotonous routine and lack of interest in your work may lead to a decline in your self-confidence and enthusiasm, which in turn takes a toll on your overall life and career. Taking a sabbatical and breaking your daily routine allows you to reflect on your life and its goal. Moreover, you get time to rest, practice your hobbies, spend time with families in sabbatical retreat centers like Hestiamagic and even travel. 

All these activities help you rejuvenate and reenergize you. You return to your work more motivated and fuller of energy.  

2. Feeling Stagnant At One Place  

Do you feel like you are stuck in life? Do you feel like you are not progressing in your life and work? Do you feel demotivated and cannot find the strength to move forward and achieve your goals no matter how hard you try?  

Although it might seem like you are the only one in such a situation, feeling stagnant or stuck in a rut race is common. It only means that you no longer enjoy your work and have lost the motivation to do it. It is a sign that you need a break from work and explores different life passions to ignite your drive to continue moving forward.  

3. Having Low Morale 

How you feel while working at your workplace is an essential factor. If you feel underappreciated and are taken for granted, you will lose sight of your value.  

Having high morale boosts one’s productivity, passion, and creativity. If the workplace culture is not working for you, then it’s time to change your environment, as you need to foster personal and professional growth. Going on sabbatical leave will help you find yourself again. Exploring new things can contribute to your sense of self-worth and help you regain confidence in achieving more.  

4. Easily Annoyed by Pretty Matters 

Disappointments at work are usually forgivable, but if you find yourself annoyed even by small matters related to your work responsibilities, colleagues, and boss, it’s time to reflect on your situation. 

Getting annoyed at work doesn’t just pop up from nothing. There might be big reasons you have been shrugging off for a long time, such as overworking, being underpaid, feeling demoralized, and experiencing a lack of career growth.   

Taking a sabbatical leave helps you recharge and find happiness once again.  

5. Negative feedback 

happy, sad and neutral face emojies

Constantly having an irritated feeling towards work and performing poorly leads to negative feedback, leading to low self-esteem.  

If you have proven your skills in the past and know what your skills are but performing poorly in recent times and feeling indifferent to the negative feedback, then it’s time to stop and find out the cause.  

Mark it; your mental health is the most important. Letting your surroundings and situation affect it negatively can profoundly impact your health. Choosing to go on sabbatical leave helps you save yourself from deteriorating your mental and physical health.  


Remember, you have only one life, and taking care of your mental and physical health is the only way to live it to the fullest. So, if you notice any of the signs mentioned above while working, it’s time to go on sabbatical leave. 

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