Closets with suits on hanger

When it comes to the storage in your homes or apartments, Wardrobe are the most loved. Whether you’re hurriedly shoving items into your closets at the last minute to tidy up before the company arrives or filling them to the full with forgotten knick-knacks, these little spaces can soon become out of control. 

However, because closets are supposed to give extra space for your belongings in addition to other storage, learning how to use them efficiently is critical—especially for those of us who live in limited places. 

Outlined below are five quick tips to organize your classic wardrobe.

1. Keep Your Best Attire on Hangers

Suit in hanger

Hangers or suit hangers are excellent places to hang your most delicate clothing, such as suits and shirts.  Suit hangers, which tend to be substantial, aid in keeping the shape of garments and help avoid mess inside the wardrobe. 

By dividing hanging clothes into groups according to the days of the week, you can prepare a week’s worth of business attire and simplify your morning routine. 

Significantly, you can pre-inspect clothing with the sorting method, giving you time to remove stains or fix defects. This approach makes getting ready and leaving quickly in the mornings simple.

2. Clean and empty your Wardrobe

Clean and tidy Wardrobe

Cleaning your closet requires the least effort but is challenging and sometimes unpleasant. Still, it is necessary to organize your wardrobe inventory. While organizing, you might even find some old favorites you forgot about. 

Start the process by taking a picture of your wardrobe so you can track your improvement. Then, sort everything from your closet into different categories, such as short sleeves, long sleeves, tank tops, leggings, and jeans.

Consider it a little like spring cleaning, and use it as an occasion to clean your closet, wiping down hanging rods and emptying any dusty shelves or bins to offer you a fresh, clean slate. Also, measure the depth and width of the shelves while they are empty; you will use these measurements to determine which organizing goods or closet systems would fit best.

3. Blueprint your closet design

Bedroom with transparent closet

This is the time to consider what you envision when you think of an orderly closet—specifically, your own. You’ve probably watched a home organization show, perused Pinterest or Instagram, or read about a few organization hacks in a magazine. 

Consider how you might make your closet a place where you genuinely want to spend time, within the constraints of its physical space and your budget. Ideally, you want to create a setting that combines intention with design so that you feel happy and infused with positive energy when you enter. You can use the following advice to improve the appearance of your wardrobe. 

Light up the space

Any area, including your closet, can be transformed with the appropriate lighting. If you already have a fixture, try replacing it with the one you like—chandeliers in a closet are what Pinterest dreams are made of. Consider investing in battery-operated lights or other closet lighting options if there is no lighting.

Add a mirror

This will make the space appear and feel brighter and more open and provide a location for you to check your style before walking out the door. Choose one with an eye-catching frame to give a decorative touch.

Give it a fresh coat of paint

A fresh coat of paint might make your worn-out closet look brand new. Furthermore, there are alternatives to plain white if you don’t want a bright color reflecting off your clothing and changing how it looks.

Take advantage of your vanity

A built-in or standalone vanity is an excellent drop zone, but don’t let it become cluttered. Use it as a surface to fold or arrange your outfit for the next day or to stage items for a trip. You can also utilize vanity to exhibit jewels.

4. Separate All Clothes into Seasons

Sort your clothes into distinct heaps according to the season. This comprises coats, sweaters, dresses, shorts, and skirts, among other things. To make things easier, sort through all of your clothing.

This may appear to be a simple organizing technique, but some items can be tough to sort if you get into the habit of sorting your clothes. Cardigans and jeans, for example. Remember when you generally wear the pieces when categorizing your garments as winter, spring, summer, or fall.

5. Organize Accessories by Using Boxes Within Boxes

To keep more fragile miscellaneous objects safe, use storage boxes with smaller ones. You can use the smaller boxes for items such as jewelry and hair accessories. Additionally, you can mix and match containers in your home, such as shoebox lids or paper jewelry boxes, instead of purchasing new ones. That’s fine as long as similar-looking things are grouped.


Now that your closet is entirely organized and renovated, you can see what you have and need. This will allow you to add to your collection wisely and consciously, rather than squandering money on goods that will collect dust. Also, when you buy anything new, try implementing a one-for-one policy in which you donate one item for every item you bring in. This will assist with wardrobe management as it would be very unlikely to crowd with clothes that aren’t regularly used.

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