grey pic of man playing a piano

Music is one of the best ways to enjoy and appreciate life. Since it is a universal language, you don’t have to understand to enjoy or acknowledge when a musical sound or work is excellent. This has seen a lot of people learn to play a variety of musical instruments.

Typically, music is cross-cultural and does not know any language barriers. Listeners appreciate great-sounding music as long as it is done professionally. 

Therefore, learning how to play the piano is a universal skill that can be recognized and appreciated globally. It takes even more effort if you aim to play for pay. To ensure this works as an economic activity, you must practice and master playing professionally. 

Below are a few tips to help you learn from scratch or perfect your amateur piano-playing skills. Keep reading to understand how best you can perfect your skills.

Understating Why You Need to Play the Piano

Before we get into how you can learn to play piano chords, it is best to appreciate why you may want to play in the first place. 

Several advantages come with playing the piano. Some of these are obvious, while others may not be very open until you start playing the piano again. 

The top reasons you may feel motivated to play the piano include the following:

Satisfying Challenge

Once you begin playing the piano, you will look forward to the challenge it gives you. The mental push cannot be equated to many other things. 

Beginners and advanced piano players appreciate that piano playing is intricate and requires their full focus and attention to excel.

Is Relaxing

Every time you feel stressed or anxious, playing the piano can soothe your nerves and make it easier for you to relax. Everything about the sound, from the tempo to tone, can elevate your mood. You can always start slowly and build up to a happier musical feeling.

Helps Develop Discipline In The Player

As already mentioned, piano players have to be very disciplined for them to make any progress with their piano skills. They must practice on time, keep up with their music reading skills, and constantly improve their playing techniques. If one is being coached, then one must attend lessons without fail. 

Moreover, piano playing is a progressive skill, so the more you learn, the better you become. All this is only possible with a lot of discipline.

You Can Earn Money

You don’t have to play the piano for free. If you perfect your skills and become one of the best in the industry, chances are you will be called for paid gigs. Put a price on your talent and watch it become an income earner. Some people live very decent lives because piano playing is able to foot all their bills.

There are several gains when it comes to playing the piano. However, to become professional, it is essential to perfect the skills. Learning how to play the piano is not rocket science. 

Consider the tips below if you want to become one of the best piano players of this era.

1. Understand The Piano

Classic brown piano

Once you know why you are playing and fully appreciate the benefits you stand to gain, your next move should be to understand your piano. Getting familiar with the instrument ensures you don’t feel intimidated when playing. It is not as easy as many people assume.

Pianos vary in size, but the basics of how they work remain the same. Moreover, some pianos are more responsive and have better sound than others. For example, a grand piano is better sounding and will respond more to touch. 

Understanding your kind of piano will also help you handle it better. Knowing what you are dealing with gives you the confidence to keep doing it right. Even so, the most significant part of the piano you must know is the keyboard section.

2. Learn about the Keys

For piano players to make a song or play a musical composition, they must know where to place their fingers on the keyboard. 

The piano has several key groupings that you must be familiar with if you are to play any music. Besides knowing how to read the music you are playing, you must also understand where each key is on the piano.

This is where professional music or piano teachers come in. Knowing where to place your fingers when playing a specific note determines the musical sound produced. Over time and with much practice, the keys will be easy to master. 

However, initial practice and learning are essential since it is the foundation of the

The good news is that you can learn in different ways. Consider getting an in-person piano teacher if you can afford to pay for them. Alternatively, you can use online apps to learn since they teach progressively. Whichever learning method you go for, you can be sure that basics cannot be skipped. Invest in professional lessons always.

3. Get the Posture Right

Black and white woman playing piano

Posture matters when playing the piano. Before you start, always make sure to stretch and relax. Check your posture always, and make sure you are upright. Your feet should always be on the floor, and your shoulders are relaxed. 

Once you sit down, preferably on a bench, face the middle of the piano. In addition to relaxing your shoulders, your arms should be slightly bent at the elbow area.

Be sure not to hunch, and pay attention to the shoulders, wrists, and forearms.

4. Navigate the Keyboard and Musical Alphabet

Music score on piano

There are a few basics that every aspiring piano player must understand. 

With 88 keys on your piano’s keyboard, it is impossible to master everything the first time. Even so, there are basics that can guide your practice as they are used in almost all songs. The first has to be the middle C, the first note you learn in piano lessons. C is the middle of the piano keyboard. It is what makes all players find their grounding as it orients players.

Once you know how to find the middle C, learn the rest of the alphabet, which often end at G before they are repeated. Once the alphabet mastery is done, learn about the finger scale. Your lesson tutor will guide you on how to place your hand and fingers when playing the piano.

Final Thoughts

Once you have learned basic piano playing techniques, your next move should be to practice without ceasing. Skill impartation only yields results with continuous practice. Find the right teacher if you are a beginner and always practice after learning the skills. 

Unfortunately, you can forget how to play the piano if you don’t practice enough.

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